Web Access Control

Authorizing & Enforcing User Access Rights Across the Enterprise

Authenticating users and administrating which applications and assets they need can be a full time job. Simply managing passwords is an expensive proposition in itself.

We unify the convenience and security of single sign on (access management) with the controls of identity management. It enables the secure delivery of essential information and applications to your employees, partners, suppliers, and customers via secure SSO. It also scales to meet your growing business needs with flexible administration tools that can support either centralized or distributed administration.

Bohn provides multiple options for access management based on your need:


Your organization runs dozens of applications from ERP to accounting to sales collaboration. Yet, managing all those sign-ons across the enterprise can be like herding cats. And as your SaaS portfolio grows, so do the challenges. Our powerful and secure SSO solution centralizes control for all your apps and manages access to external applications from multiple devices.


As multi-channel business practices require you to connect and integrate with websites, portals and SaaS application outside your traditional firewall protection, you need to ensure the access and authorization of those destinations are secure, controlled and authenticated.Utilizing the latest identity federation standards, WebSSO provides complete access management capabilities for all enterprise network content, and services across a broad range of internal platforms and directory services.


The industry unique SSO gateway simplifies, centralizes and securely controls the tangle of credentials. We remove the API middleman and opens up federated enablement to 1000s of web, on-premise and legacy applications Identity Gateway “bridges” this issue by extending access management to encompass all web applications. Most importantly, your organization can on-board any web application without ever modifying the target application.